by NeoLearning - Fenix Ninja



Sacred Heart Public School, Panagudy, is run by the Institute of the Brothers of the Caussanel Province, The Sacred Heart of Jesus. The religious congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was founded by Rev. Fr. Adrian Caussanel, a French Jesuit Missionary, in the year 1903 in Tamil Nadu, with the aim of “Enabling Human Dignity” among the poor and marginalized through integral education and sustainable community organizations. The congregation has completed more than 100 years of service in the above-mentioned areas.The congregation has reoriented its Educational Mission in the light of the new perspective it has gained as a result of nearly 100 years of services in the cause of education. Accordingly, the congregations educational mission embodies in itself programmes that inspire students to learn, lead and serve in a diverse and changing world. As a result, the educational institutions of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart have been noted for respecting and responding to the unique needs of individual persons, as well as for helping them to identify and develop the full range and variety of their particular gifts and talents, especially with an eye toward service and leadership. Sacred Heart Public School is a friendly and welcoming school where children are happy and enjoy learning. Our vision is to grow GREAT Citizens, empowered to live successfully in their personal and global lives. We highly value connections with our parents and community. Building strong family and community partnerships enables us to maximize the learning and social experiences of our students.